Luis Ignacio Vicente del Olmo

Strategic Counsel
Pons IP

35 years working on IP and R&D Management supporting the scaling up of the organizations.

More than 500 international agreements (including the participation in R&D Public Programmes), managing 10,000 trademarks and 500 patents portfolio within a telco operator with a yearly R&D Budget over 1,000 million euro. Working with global partners from Europe, South America, US, Asia... Supporting big firms and also SME and fostering the role of Intellectual Property for strategies in these turbulent times.

(Main role) Strategic Counsel at Pons IP, the IP firm leader in Spain considering trademarks and patents filed at Spanish Patents and Trademark Office. The main role is to lead the gowth of the firm to a IP Consultancy company units focused on supporting the IP & Innovation management of  Universities, Research Centers, SME and big firms. In this position, I am collaborating to the IP Strategy defintion of relevant European companies as BBVA, Telefonica, RENFE, Acciona, Ferrovial, Nordex… and international SMEs technology-based as QCentroid, Celling 5G, Pairk, Phi4Tech…

We have created our own methodology for IP valuation and valorization leading a mixed team made up of  economists, lawyers and technicians.

Also, I am leading the participation  of PONS IP in R&D Public Programmes promoted by European Commision in order to promote the role of IP as a relevant tool to ensure the EU Technological Sovereignty, specially in key fields as Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Cybersecurity, Energy and Biotech

(Part time) Chief Innovation Officer of the AMR GSC (Autonomous Mobile Robots Global Solution Center) of ABB Robotics, one of the leaders of the global robotics market. This unit is leader in Europe in AMR manufacturing. ABB has one of the biggest IP portfolio of the European Industry. This double role allows me to test the IP methods developed as Strategic Counsel of PONS IP.